
Sean Kelly

Nickname: seankelly
Résumé: http://seankelly.biz/modules.php?name=Resume
Wishlist: Amazon

I founded this project after realizing that no version of my résumé was ever in sync, and there had to be a better way. At the time, I was also courting employers for XML and XSL-related jobs, so what better way to demonstrate such skills than by making my entire résumé an XML and XSL-based system?

Although the initial results were rough around the edges, it worked. (I'm completely self-employed now.)

But I still wanted it to look better and better. And that's when it hit me. There must be hundreds of geek-minded people out there who would like to single-source their résumés ... why not take advantage of that great mass of unemployed skill?

By making the XML Résumé Library an open source project, dozens of jobless individuals from around the world continually contribute to make the system better and better.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me, and even if you're already employed, please contribute to the project by suggesting features, reporting bugs, submitting patches, or shopping for items on the members' wishlists.

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